Chaichana Chainiwes

This month we feature Chaichana Chainiwes – Director – who after 31 years with Meinhardt has decided to retire.
Chaichana joined Meinhardt in 1992 after moving back to Thailand from obtaining a master degree in civil engineering and a career in NYC, USA.
He has over 35 years of experience in civil and structural engineering. Over his long career, he has been responsible for managing and leading design and site supervision teams in all types of projects. More recently Chaichana has led our IMS Department overseeing many initiatives including our Quality Assurance Program, Integrated Management System, Anti-Corruption Program and Graduate Training Program. He was instrumental in ensuring Meinhardt obtained and maintained all the required standards including ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 45001.
We wish Khun Chaichana all the best in his retirement in Chiang Mai where he plans to keep himself busy with various projects including making renovations to his house and other pursuits.